Why download the ebook?
In this ebook, we wanted to share with you the importance of hard chrome plating treatment and show you that by relying on professionals you can limit your investments and increase your production.
Who is the ebook for?
- Mould maintenance workers who want to improve their work;
- Injection Moulders who want to learn something more about the object of their work;
- Entrepreneurs and managers of moulding companies who want to know if their team is on the right track.


90% of the largest manufacturers of rubber seals use this type of treatment for
their moulds. Today, it is the treatment par excellence, because it offers
considerable advantages, both in terms of profitability and productivity

Good maintenance extends the mould life,

Mould cleaning
On average, a chrome-plated mould gets dirty 5 times less than one that is not
chrome plated. But nonetheless, to increase its lifetime it still needs to be cleaned
thoroughly, based on its use.
Why choosing chrome-plating for your moulds?
Find out our tips and benefits.